Category: Blog

List of Property ID Lalit F

Here I am displaying property IDs for the residents whose properties are not linked with their mobile number or email ID. Please find below the list of property ID. Flat […]

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List of Property ID Lalit D

Here I am displaying property IDs for the residents whose properties are not linked with their mobile number or email ID. Please find below the list of property ID. Flat […]

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List of Property ID Lalit C

Here I am displaying property IDs for the residents whose properties are not linked with their mobile number or email ID. Please find below the list of property ID. Flat […]

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List of Property ID Lalit B

Here I am displaying property IDs for the residents whose properties are not linked with their mobile number or email ID. Please find below the list of property ID. Flat […]

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नांदेड सिटी – प्रॉपर्टी टॅक्स ? का ? कसा ? किती ?

मी एक नांदेड सिटी टाऊनशिप मधील रहिवासी आहे. मला हि या नवीन आलेल्या टॅक्स बद्दल बरेच प्रश्न आहेत. हा ब्लॉग लिहिण्याचा एकच उद्देश आहे कि सर्व प्रश्न आणि उत्तरे एकाच […]

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Blossom Exhibition

नांदेड सिटी मधील नव उद्योजकांसाठी सुवर्ण संधी… अत्यल्प दरात आपल्या ‘ उत्पादनांना ‘ घराघरात पोहोचावा…* 🎊 Blossom Exhibitions 🎊घेऊन येत आहे… *गणेशोत्सव निमित्ताने Blossom Shopping & Food Festival 🌸🌸*बाप्पा च्या […]

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Nanded City Pune – Dixit Diet Walkathon 10 Sept

💐वॉक मॅरेथॉनचा जागतिक विक्रम💐 प्रिय मित्रांनो, आम्ही आपले मार्गदर्शक दिवंगत डॉ. श्रीकांत जिचकार यांच्या जयंतीनिमित्त आम्ही रविवार,१० सप्टेंबर २०२३ रोजी वॉक मॅरेथॉनचे आयोजन करत आहोत😊 आम्ही “एकाच वेळी अनेक शहरांमध्ये […]

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Obesity & Its Management

Managing obesity includes a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and increased physical activity over time. The first step in treating obesity is managing your expectations. A transition to a […]

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Diabetes and Diet Care

Diabetes is a common condition that affects people of all ages. There are several forms of diabetes. Type 2 is the most common. A combination of treatment strategies can help […]

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Because Good Nutrition is Influential

Good nutrition is essential to keeping current and future generations healthy across the lifespan. A healthy diet helps children grow and develop properly and reduces their risk of chronic diseases. […]

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